Hayfever, tips & Pelvic Floor

So we know pregnancy, childbirth, the menopause can all effect the pelvic floor. Are you aware that chronic coughs and conditions like hay fever can all play havoc on the pelvic floor. Maybe you are ☹

Hay fever?

Yep – every time you sneeze there is a whole of pressure on your pelvic floor and if you hay fever is anything like mine it’s not one sneeze but a zillion!!!

I have had hay fever for about 25years – which is a bit nuts but I got it around when I was 14……well probably before but my parents said it was other things.

So I’m quite a holistic person and don’t really like taking medicines unnecessary and I seem to be okay managing my hay fever without regular antihistamines. Now I don’t get mild hay fever – I’m a nose streaming, rub my eyes red raw kinda girl!

But over the years I found a few things that have helped:

  1. Lloyds chemist infra red light – now this definitely helps manage symptoms – I use it a couple of times a day. Initially when I first tried it and my symptoms reduced I decided that it couldn’t be the light but the pollen had gone …..so I stopped using it and within a day my symptoms came back. So the science behind it is the infra red light stops the cells making histamine which causes the allergic reaction.
  2. Neti pod – this one I have started this summer and it really helps – it is a little watering can and you wash your nostrils out with a saline solution. Tried it on my 7yr old yesterday and it made a big difference. So if I go out then get sneezy I give my nostrils a wash 😊
  3. Washing hair – I think I only realised this last year but this makes a big difference – if you have been out and your hair is covered in pollen wash it out. Simples!
  4. Diet – anti-inflammatory foods help to reduce symptoms – I have to admit my husband thought I was a proper wally when I came up with this one – mainly as I have a degree in Applied Human Nutrition – took my only a decade or so to apply it! Duh! Foods to include are your good fats, oily fish and foods rich in quercin (apples and onions or buy a supplement.
  5. Vasline by the nostrils – stops the pollen going in, sunglasses for the eyes and you can add in a face mask which again stops pollen going up the nose – and you won’t look too odd wearing one given the current situation.
  6. Time of day you go out – morning and evenings are worse for pollen as it is coming down – midday there is less so technically a safe time to be out.
  7. Don’t dry your clothes outside – they get covered in pollen = sneezes!
  8. Local honey – now I haven’t tried this one yet – mainly due to laziness in finding local honey but I have seen many ppl post about it being helpful so I though I would add it to the list.

Finally I do have eye drops as a back-up as some days I do need them and there are antihismaine tablet in the cupboard again if I do need them but I try my best to avoid them and I am doing okay so far.

So if you are sneezing and leaking – try and get the sneezes in check – some of the above can help or a chat with gp/chemist.

The Holistic Core Restore ® Everywoman course is based on science and gets results to stop that leaking when you sneeze. You definitely don’t need to be sneezy and peezy. IF you want ot read more please click here.

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